The Wenatchee Figure Skating Club (WFSC) is a non-profit member of U.S. Figure Skating (USFSA), the governing body for figure skating in the United States. The USFSA was formed in 1921 and is a member of the International Skating Union (ISU), which governs the sport internationally.
The WFSC is also a member of the Pacific Northwest Interclub Association (PNIC), the regional organization that meets quarterly to promote a unified skating community.
The WFSC was incorporated in March 1991 and got its start at the Riverfront Park Ice Arena, once located at the foot of 5th Street in Wenatchee. In 2008 the club moved to the Town Toyota Center, where members now enjoy skating year-round.
The WFSC is governed by an elected board who meet monthly to plan club events and activities. One such event is the "Apple Ice Classic," a local competition open to everyone. In addition, the club hosts two test sessions a year, presents an annual holiday show, and participates in the Numerica Winter Ice Gala.
The club's mission is to promote figure skating and enable its members to develop their potential by providing encouragement, support, and opportunities for instruction. Individuals of all ages and abilities are welcome to join!